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12AU7 | ECC82 | 5814 | 6189 | CV4003 Preamp Vacuum Tubes
One of the most commonly found driver tubes found in push-pull vacuum tube audio power amplifiers is the 12AU7 preamp tube. As well, this tube's low gain make it a great choice for tube preamps in hi-fi stereo systems. Other 12AU7 tube equivalent part numbers are ECC82, 5814, 6189, and CV4003...More Details
Other common names for this tube are ECC82 and ECC802 and the European special-quality E82CC and E182CC. Names found in military and industrial applications are CV4003, 5814, 6189, and 7316. They are found less often in instrument tube amps but Ampeg is one manufacturer who has used them for years as drivers for their SVT bass guitar amps.