JJ ECC82 / 12AU7 Preamp Vacuum Tube

3 Reviews

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USD $‎17.95
The JJ ECC82 replaces 12AU7 Tube Types.

The ECC82 preamp tube type is equivalent to the North American 12AU7 vacuum tube and can be used in any 12AU7 or ECC82 circuit.

Other JJ Electronics tubes12AU7 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

JJ ECC82 / 12AU7 Datasheet (PDF)

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ratings & Reviews

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JJ ECC82 / 12AU7 | Использовал в hi-fi в качестве драйвера


Использовал в hi-fi,звучание теплое и гладкое с большим,но не очень структурным басом,мягкими не сильно выделяющимися высокими частотами.Сцена по размерам скромная.Слушать приятно.
Used JJ-ECC82 in hi-fi, the sound is warm and smooth with a large, but not very structured bass, soft, not very prominent high frequencies. The scene is modest in size. It's nice to listen.

JJ 12AU7 A fine tube!!


As far as current production tubes versus NOS, this tube really stands up to the TELEFUNKEN 12AU7/ECC82 easily when it comes to the smooth transitions and being quiet concerning thermonics (Tube noise). For the price, I do strongly recommend this tube! I've had a pair in my HH Scott since 1997. As for being the best....??? I do love this tube...I'll just happily keep my Telefunkens in their box.

Very, very nice hi-fi tube!


I find the biggest difference in sound when rolling tubes in my Icon Stereo20 PP integrated amp is realized when changing out the pair of ECC82 phase-splitters. So far I have tried the stock Shuguang, Electro-Harmonix (see my review of this FINE tube on this site), and this JJ. The JJ is probably the best all around tube of the bunch. Nice, smooth midrange, but not too buttery. A very balanced tube, with brilliant, airy treble, that just avoids being too harsh. I switch between these and the EH tubes, depending on my mood. Too bad I have yet to find a tube that combines the best qualities of each in a single valve! Now THAT would be some valve!