Preferred Series 7025 / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube
The Preferred Series 7025 preamp tube is a high quality 12AX7 vacuum tube type. This tube is a reproduction of the highly regarded and sought after Mullards from the 1960s.
This 7025 is a high quality and very rugged custom 12AX7 tube produced for us in China by the Shuguang factory. The plates are manufactured out of a premium metal imported from Germany and supported with extra thick mica spacers to insure against microphonics. They are burned in and tested at the factory and then again on our digital high voltage equipment to make sure the tubes selected for you will provide outstanding tone and performance.
From our review: "A great sounding 12AX7 tube type that reminds me a little more of the ECC83 that Ei made in the old days. That's a pretty nice compliment. I compared this tube against an old Ei and Telefunken smooth plate and there was very little difference. Lots of gain with a rather low noise floor. No microphonics issues at all. Very good considering the large plate size. Spot welding may be better for microphonics than crimped plates. I tried it in all the standard guitar amp duties and it was fine. Fabulous in Blackface Fender amps. We tried this 7025 in a 66 Vibrolux reverb 2x10 combo and the tones were all there. Light and shimmering or really aggressive, it's all good."
Warranty: The Preferred Series 7025 tubes carry a 6 month extended warranty.
Other Preferred Series tubes12AX7 TypesAdditional Information and Downloads
12AX7 Tube Review
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Preferred Series 7025 Datasheet (PDF)
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Warranty Information and Return Policy
Warranty Period: 6 monthsPreferred Series tubes have a 6 month warranty from date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)
If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:
- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 180 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.
Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 6 months, or are returned improperly.
These guidelines may be updated without notice.
Ratings & Reviews
83 reviews
Transformed my orange
by Mitch -
I just bought a orange micro terror and I started to play it with the included JJ ECC83s and man I regretted my purchase, sounded like shit, harsh and just cheap. Wondering if I made a mistake getting the orange but then I switched to the Preferred Series 7025 tube and it's night and day. Sounds amazing, smooth, responsive and creamy overdrive.
Preferred Series 7025 | Smooth Midrange and top end.
by LRG -
Retubed my VHT ultra lead. Usually use a Gold 12AX7 Tungsol for V1 and regular Tung-Sol for the other 4 tubes with a TS 12AT7 for final position.Been using Mullard for power KT88 tubes. This time same v1 and the rest 7025 Preferred Series, except 12AT7. Same power tubes. Sounds really good, crisp and the highs are smoother than TungSol's. TS in all positions had a top end I don’t like. I can actually use presence and it not stiff like cuts can be. Not as much bass as TS but it has a great crisp sound and I have the eq n VHT so I have adjusted a little. Unfortunately there is a high noise floor when idle that I have never seen in this amp before. I did rebias and went to 70% versus 65% and didn’t get a balanced tube for phase inverter. I haven’t tried to pinpoint source of noise so I can say what is making it noisy at this point. For this reason I am giving them a 4. But I really like the mids and top end.
Warm and Creamy
by Nick
I'm the owner operator of Nickafied Guitars Tech and Repair. I recently had on of my vintage 1975 Marshall JMP heads serviced. I was informed to try the Preferred Series 7025 Tubes. I am quite happy with the overall sound and performance from this amp with these tubes installed.
They are warm and creamy at low volumes, where they then breakup when pushed. The overall saturation they deliver is pleasing.
Preferred Series 7025 | Vintage tone for any Budget
by Sandro Alves -
I think I've tried just about every other new tube and I keep going back to these for all my Fender amps. These 7025 tubes just sound right for that classic vintage tone.
Preferred Series 7025 | MONOPRICE STAGE RIGHT 15 WATT Amp
by FMK Riverside
Used these 7025 in a Monoprice stage right 15 watt guitar amp combo, tamed the hum and noise with no loss to gain in the V1 slot .
bought a few for other prjects, one had issues and tubestore replaced with no hassle ! Aplus customer service !