JJ ECC83S / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube

34 Reviews
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USD $‎17.95

The JJ ECC83S / 12AX7 preamp tube is a fantastic performer at a very affordable price.

From our review of this tube: "The compact plate structure does nothing to dampen their sound or dynamic response. I find them to be well balanced. While not as harmonically rich as others I tested, they do provide high gain without the usual noise and microphonic problems you would expect. This is great sound for your dollar..."

JJ Electronic is distinguished worldwide for manufacturing high quality vacuum tubes and capacitors. They have been producing vacuum tubes for over 30 years in the Slovak Republic.

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

JJ ECC83-S / 12AX7 | Not for Sparkly Guitar Amps


This JJ-ECC83S tube would be good in a high gain amp. Probably great in a Marshall or Orange amp where you want to tame the bass and have tight, responsive mids with not too much fizz. 3 stars because it's not a bad tube just not for sparkly clean amps.

Not my cup of tea. Tames the low-low mids and bass (tight af), has strong upper mids. Not much treble; very dark. I tried this in a Fender Blues Deluxe RI (basically a Hot Rod Deluxe on the clean channel) and it was strangling my guitar too much. Tried in V1, V2 and V3, same story.
It did sound good with fuzz/distortion pedals but I want to preserve the nice clean tone.

JJ ECC83-S / 12AX7 | Not recommended for distortion


Try the JJ-ECC83S in ENGL E670 and E530 preamp with bad result, mid frequency busted no bass freq, on clean sound in some amps it will be good but distorted sound fizzed, after many gain stages sound attack is lose. If close look inside - every tube have slightly different conductor geometry, some very close to each other, think its reason of bad sound. Very disappointed and NOT recommended it. Gold pin version and ECC83MG (mid gain) have more bass freq but distortion also not pleasant, original ENGL and cheap Bugera (12AX7B and C) way better in freq and with good distortion grain. Sorry for my english, not native, but hope for some one will be helpfully know about it.

JJ ECC83-S / 12AX7 | I really wanting to like JJ, but not getting the love back.


I notice JJ are very picky with any particular type of amp. They sound so brittle, noisy when plugged into my Fargen 1968 Super Lead clone. it produces an unusual, almost “electric hizz/buzz” noise when a note is played. Every single JJ-ECC83S I bought have that unusual noise I mentioned above.

As far as the overall tone, it does have that “chunky” low mids that I like, but that brittleness, noise above and the quick decay that is putting off.

JJ ECC83-S / 12AX7 | Put the sparkle back in a 50s era console.


I replaced all the 12AX7 tubes in my Motorola Drexler console to JJ-ECC83S. Makes a big difference. The bottom end was very mush with the old tubes and the high notes were not very clear. I just put the new ones in and big improvement.

JJ ECC83-S / 12AX7 | применял в hi-fi


Эта лампа была в усилителе,когда я его купил в сочетание с китайским 12аu7,что давало довольно гармоничный звук.Теплая,густая и приятная,гладкая,басовитая лампа.Конечно размер сцены и локализация инструментов не эталон,но так сказать,имеет изюминку,особенно в сочетании с чем-то ярким и динамичным.Для скромной цены очень хорошо!!
This JJ-ECC83S tube was in the amplifier when I bought it in combination with the Chinese 12au7, which gave a rather harmonious sound. A warm, dense and pleasant, smooth, bassovaya lamp. Of course the size of the scene and the location of the instruments is not a standard, but so to say, has a highlight, especially in combination with something bright and dynamic. For a modest price very good !!