Tung-Sol KT120 Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)

12 Reviews

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎85.95

Need matched power tubes? Don't worry! Price includes matching in any quantity you need for no extra charge. Need a matched pair? Just order "2" tubes. For a matched quad order "4" tubes. Matched sextets and octets are available as well.



The Tung-Sol KT120 vacuum tube is a powerful and versatile tube option, particularly if you desire a dynamic and impactful sound with a strong bass foundation. The size of the Tungsol KT-120 tube is substantially more than its KT88 cousin. The seated height is approximately 4.5" (113mm). The width is 2" (52mm). While often compatible with KT88 amplifiers, you should check with your amplifier's manufacturer before trying these.


New Sensor now announces the Tung-Sol KT120, which has a plate dissipation of 60 watts, making it the most powerful tube in the 6550/KT88/KT90 tube family. A pair of these tubes in push-pull configuration can deliver power levels of 150 or more watts. When used at the parameters found in existing 6550/KT88/KT90 circuits, the Tung-Sol KT120 is impervious to overload, delivering peak power with extreme reliability and long tube life. However, taking advantage of the higher current handling capacity of these tubes, a very unique and super powerful and stable amp can be designed using the Tung-Sol KT-120.

Other Tung-Sol tubesKT88 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

Tube Matching Information:
Power Tube Matching FAQ
Perfect Pair System

Tung-Sol KT120 Datasheet (PDF)

Download Adobe Acrobat PDF reader

Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ratings & Reviews

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Audio Enthuseist


An ENORMOUS improvement over the KT-88 tubes that I have been using in my Carver Tube 305 amplifiers. Imaging & Sound staging with these tubes went to another level. Thank You!!.

Job Well Done


Just to let you know..a job well done and who ever added the few chunks of extra shipping "pop corn" on top of the tube to take up the gap, above and beyond!! Great sounding tube too Tung-Sol KT-120 .

Convergent Audio Technology/KT 120


I had my CAT JL1s modified for the KT-120s because CAT is now using KT120s in their new designs. The KT120 tubes are a major upgrade in sound to the 6550 tubes.



I replaced the EL34s for a matched set of Tung-Sol KT120s on my Primaluna Premium Integrated Amplifier and the improvement in the musicality and overall sound quality delivered via my Focal Electra BE1028s has been astounding to say the least. Especially the bass and mid to lower frequencies emerge with a lot more depth, and the overall sonic range is richer and smoother. Can't think of going back to the EL34 tubes!

I was impressed with the speed and quality of delivery and overall service from TheTubeStore, and have placed my order for a standby set as well. One tiny niggle though - I wish TheTubeStore blue sticker were put on the back side of the tube rather than front. It impacts the overall optics. Is that sticker really required?

Note from thetubestore.com: The blue Perfect Pair sticker is attached so the customer always has a record of the tube's matching characteristic in the event a replacement is needed to mate with this set in the future. Regarding the "front" or "back" of the tube, there really is not either. Amp's vary widely in how the tube sockets are mounted. What is the front in one amp will be the back or side in another depending how the socket is mounted.

Geat Sounding Tubes


I ordered the matched set of 4 Tung-Sol KT120's for my Jolida JD502CRC on Friday 12/27/13 and on Monday 12/30 they arrived(using the "Economy Service" shipping). I now have about 90 hours on them. Compared to the Tung-Sol 6550's that the amp came with - the Tung-Sol KT120's have tight extended Bass, real nice mid-range, and clean extended high frequency, they are very open and not restricted, the KT120's are more musical than the Tung-Sol 6550's. They effortlessly push the amp more than the Tung-Sol 6550's. The amp now sounds exactly the way I have always wanted the amp to sound, it sounds great with 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's rock music. I am also running thetubestore Preferred Series 7025/12AX7for pre-amp tubes and Mullard CV4024/12AT7WA for driver tubes.