Preferred Series 7189 Premium EL84 Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)

42 Reviews
Best Seller
SKU: PS-7189

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎47.95

Need matched power tubes? Don't worry! Price includes matching in any quantity you need for no extra charge. Need a matched pair? Just order "2" tubes. For a matched quad order "4" tubes. Matched sextets and octets are available as well.

Our Preferred Series 7189 vacuum tube is a versatile high quality option for EL84, 6BQ5, and 7189 power tube circuits because of its clean headroom, power, dynamics and harmonic content. Please see John Templeton's review of this tube. This 7189 tube is rated for higher power and plate voltage plus longer life making it a premium upgrade for amps with tough operating conditions. The solid construction and heavy glass also minimize microphonics. For the hifi crowd, this tube is the perfect choice for Scott, Eico and Fisher amps. Our Preferred Series 7189 starts life as a NOS (New Old Stock) Russian 6P14P-EV as translated from Cyrillic. It is a military build that meets or exceeds the 7189 specifications

6P14P = 6BQ5, EL84 and 7189 tubes.
E = Extended or long life (>5,000 hours)
V = Mechanically ruggedized for low microphonics and reliability

We have been selling this particular tube for years but have found the production from the 1980’s to sound and work the best. We sought out and purchased as much NOS as we can find from this time period. They are then burned in, tested and matched on our digital high voltage equipment to make sure the tubes selected for you will provide outstanding tone and performance. The Preferred Series 7189 tubes carry a 6 month extended warranty.

Other Preferred Series tubes          EL84 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

EL84 Tube Review

Tube Matching Information:
Power Tube Matching FAQ
Perfect Pair System

Preferred Series 7189 Datasheet (PDF)

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 6 months

Preferred Series tubes have a 6 month warranty from date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 180 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 6 months, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

A hard sterile midrange, stiff and strident overdrive


I have to say, I am highly disappointed with these 7189 tubes. I have a mint condition Reinhardt 18 that sounds glorious. Probably the most touch sensitive amp I own, shimmery dimensional, lush with just seems to resonate with my historic LP. I decided to give my Amperex Holland el84 tubes a break and try these 7189s. My Reinhardt was transformed and not in a good way. While there was more highs and lows, the dimesionality of the amp flattened that glorious midrange collapsed. That elastic effortless feel became stiff and overdriven tones were gritty and strident. Even the JJ El84s I had laying around were marginally better than these 7189 tubes.

I'm usually happy with the tubestore. I got a set of winged C 6L6s that sound marginally better than NOS RCAs in my two-rock 10th annivcersary signature amp. So I don't know what happened here. Will have to look at some other EL84s.

I am amazed at the difference


Swapped out the JJ's that came in my Vox AC15HW. I re-tubed the entire amp with the preferred tube package from the tube store. Do not hesitate to do the same. I liked my amp before, but the clarity and warmth with the new tube set is amazing. I would put the tone up against any EL84 boutique amp costing twice as much. My overdrive pedals actually have more note definition. I am a cynic when it comes to the magic "tone" pills you read about in gear forums and I never write reviews. But I haven't stopped smiling since I put these tubes in. Thanks tube store.



These are the best EL84/7189's I've ever used. A step above the Telam tubes, even. I've never met an EL84 that could do Bass like these tubes, and there aren't enough adjectives to describe how ideal the mids and highs are. I'm running these in a Fryette Memphis and it's never sounded bigger or better.
The Preferred Series from The Tube Store never disappoint!

Very Pleased


Vox AC10C1 - have used Tungsol ei84s.( very nice tubes)....T.A.D. el84str's (nice tube but a bit 'sterile').....and now the Preferred Series 7189. The PS-7189 lives up to its billing\reviews. I am very pleased with this tube. Since getting these valves a week ago I haven't used my 2x10 external cab once as the Vox on it's own is sounding Better than Ever! Thanks Tube Store..This was my 4th order from the Tube Store and once again am Very pleased with service and products.

Great treble/mid/bass balance


In my Vox Pacemaker—an amp I've found to be expert at exposing sonic flaws in tubes, guitars and playing technique—these 7189s won a shootout among six different brands, including the Philips ECG & GE tubes I usually prefer. Clear high end without any spiky or harsh stuff, detailed mids without graininess and warm but not tubby bass. My test guitar, a three pickup Rickenbacker 350v63, sounded terrific using all three selector switch settings. The neck & middle pickups together can get muddy through the Pacemaker (a fairly mid-forward amp despite its Top Boost-based tone stack) with some power tubes while the bridge p'up alone can sound thin & razor-y with others. Not the case with these tubes! Guess I'll have to get some more.