Preferred Series 7189 Premium EL84 Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)

42 Reviews
Best Seller
SKU: PS-7189

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎47.95

Need matched power tubes? Don't worry! Price includes matching in any quantity you need for no extra charge. Need a matched pair? Just order "2" tubes. For a matched quad order "4" tubes. Matched sextets and octets are available as well.

Our Preferred Series 7189 vacuum tube is a versatile high quality option for EL84, 6BQ5, and 7189 power tube circuits because of its clean headroom, power, dynamics and harmonic content. Please see John Templeton's review of this tube. This 7189 tube is rated for higher power and plate voltage plus longer life making it a premium upgrade for amps with tough operating conditions. The solid construction and heavy glass also minimize microphonics. For the hifi crowd, this tube is the perfect choice for Scott, Eico and Fisher amps. Our Preferred Series 7189 starts life as a NOS (New Old Stock) Russian 6P14P-EV as translated from Cyrillic. It is a military build that meets or exceeds the 7189 specifications

6P14P = 6BQ5, EL84 and 7189 tubes.
E = Extended or long life (>5,000 hours)
V = Mechanically ruggedized for low microphonics and reliability

We have been selling this particular tube for years but have found the production from the 1980’s to sound and work the best. We sought out and purchased as much NOS as we can find from this time period. They are then burned in, tested and matched on our digital high voltage equipment to make sure the tubes selected for you will provide outstanding tone and performance. The Preferred Series 7189 tubes carry a 6 month extended warranty.

Other Preferred Series tubes          EL84 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

EL84 Tube Review

Tube Matching Information:
Power Tube Matching FAQ
Perfect Pair System

Preferred Series 7189 Datasheet (PDF)

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 6 months

Preferred Series tubes have a 6 month warranty from date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 180 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 6 months, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Preferred Series 7189 | Perfect for My Budda Superdrive 30


I have owned a hand wired Budda Superdrive 30 for many years. Over that time I have tried a number of EL84 tubes in it: Sovtek EL84, Sovtek EL84M, NOS (various brands), EI EL84s and JJ EL84s. I thought the JJ EL84s were best for this amp until I tried the Preferred Series 7189. To put it mildly, these just sounded great. The Budda has never sounded better. The signature EL84/7189 chime was prevalent but with a little more warmth. I put the JJ EL84s back in (this was a very short time set), just to reconfirm. The difference was not subtle. A keeper.

Preferred Series 7189 | The Tube Store Knows a Good Tube When they Hear It

by -

I tried out the Preferred Series 7189, new production Mullards, JJ's and the new Tung-Sols in an AC30C2X. JJ's sound good until you put in the Mullards. Ditto the Mullards until you put in the the Tung-Sols. The Tung-Sols are really good but the Preferred Series EL84s have a more pleasing chime, a nice just breaking up sound and a smoother breakup dimed. If you want to save a buck, get the Tung-Sols. If you want your newer AC30 to sound it's best, get the Preferred Series. Great tubes.

Love these preferred series 7189.


Bought this 7189 with three preferred series 12ax7 for my Laney Lionheart l5T-112. Had a JJ EL84 which had good tone but was microphones, the tried a Mullard reissue from amazon which was a dude rattled from the get go. This 7189 fixed my amp. Great tone, no rattles at all. Great distortion and cleans up really nice and creamy. The customer service was great and just can't say enough about these tubes. Best I've ever got. Didn't realize what a good set of tubes could do until now. Very pleased customer. I'll be coming back.

Best EL-84 yet


I have a new to me Morgan AC40 Custom Shop I run through a solid pine 2x12 Swart cab with 2 Celestion Gold 16 Ohm speakers. I wanted to get the Beatles & Taste/Rory Gallagher ac30 twang and drive. Generally only a tuner and a treble booster (Skullmaster or Gamut 3 knob) and other times straight in.

I started with JJs as everyone's first recommendation. Meh. Second was the Polish Telam tubes and those are really rich in harmonics and I would have been happy had I not tried this Preferred Series EL-84. This one presses all the right buttons with this set up and works equally well clean or dirty and humbuckers or single coils!

I should mention that this amp allows a 2 x 12ax7 or an EF86 and 12ax7. And this EL-84 works well with both. I don't have the box, but when I ordered I asked for something between Medium and Hard.

Preferred Series 7189


I been using 1964 Nos RCA 7189 tubes in my amp. now they must be changed
I changed them to the Preferred Series 7189 I did not go wrong nice.