Preferred Series 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube
The Preferred Series 12AX7 vacuum tube is the most recent addition to our premium line of high quality tubes. The Preferred Series is made up of the best current production tubes, sourced to our specifications. The PS-12AX7 preamp tubes carry a 6 month extended warranty.
From our review: "This 12AX7 is a versatile, quiet tube that will be at home in just about anyone's guitar or HIFI amplifier. In a Fender Champ they displayed no microphonics or rattling, and had a warm, smooth character that can still get rowdy when driven. The detail is all there as well..."
This 12AX7 audio tube has crimped, mid-sized plates, thick mica spacers, and a disc-style getter ring.
Additional Information and Downloads
12AX7 Tube Review
Tube Matching Information:
Matched Sections Service
Warranty Information and Return Policy
Warranty Period: 6 monthsPreferred Series tubes have a 6 month warranty from date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)
If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:
- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 180 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.
Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 6 months, or are returned improperly.
These guidelines may be updated without notice.
Ratings & Reviews
9 reviews
Preferred Series 12AX7 | Wow!
by Rod -
Just bought two of these PS-12AX7 to try in some noisy amps. In two Crate V50 amps (I have 4) I put these in tube 1 position. On the first amp after putting it in I thought it was dead because until I turned up my guitar I did not hear noise. Wow! I have been using JJ's and have been very happy. These Preferred Series 12AX7 sound better midrange, top end and sustain. In the second amp same results. I have 32 amps so I will need more to try.
Preferred Series 12AX7 | A step up from JJ's
by Yinfu -
Replaced JJ's with these Preferred Series 12AX7 preamp tubes. JJ's are reliable but kinda sterile. These PS-12AX7 tubes have tighter bottom end. Better sound overall.
Preferred Series 12AX7 | Better than I Expected
by Greg -
Ordered the matched set of these PS-12AX7 for my Fender Bassbreaker 007 that came with Groove Tubes vacuum tubes and I'm super impressed. The GT's are lifeless compared to the PS's! Nice tight bottom end with no flub solid mids and clear articulate highs. Ordered them on Thursday morning and received them at noon the next day here in the southern US. Highly recommend TheTubeStore if your in need of fast shipping and Quality Service.
Preferred Series 12AX7 | A Quality Set Of Preamp Tubes.
by David K -
Just swapped 3 of these Preferred Series 12ax7 tubes in place of Tung-Sols. The Tung-Sol 12ax7 tubes were bright sounding and I detected some “spikiness” at times in my Orange Dark Terror. Both brands have superb lows, but the Preferred Series were smoother at handling the highs. I don't play Metal music which the Dark Terror can achieve, but for Classic Rock and Zeppelin type gain, these Preferred Series work ideally.
Preferred Series 12AX7 | It’s a win with my Delta King 12
by Gary Atkins -
Replaced the stock tubes in my Supro delta king 12.
Clarity and definition is much better with these Preferred Series 12AX7 tubes and there is no more flubby when driving the preamp at full volume (Master is at a low setting)