Rivera Amps
Using our knowledge and experience, we've selected vacuum tubes to create Value, Premium, and Ultimate tube kits/packages that will work great in your amplifier. Re-tubing your Rivera amp has never been easier… More Details
Our tube replacement packages are designed for your amp and come in different option levels ranging from Value to Premium to Ultimate. With this, you can get improved tube amp tone and still meet any budget.
We have found that our Premium Packages are what most customers choose. These tubes will provide your Rivera guitar amp with great tone for a reasonable price. For those who need to re-tube for less, our Value Packages consist of excellent sounding amplifier tubes for lower cost. If only the "best" will do for your beloved tube amp, we have Ultimate or Vintage Packages that include NOS USA made vacuum tubes whenever possible. In cases when NOS tubes are not available, current production tubes that exude "vintage" tone are included instead.
Be sure to look at the Additional Info tab when viewing a tube package. This tab will provide bias information, and when available, downloads such as Rivera amp schematics and other worthwhile information.