Mullard EL84 Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)

22 Reviews
Best Seller

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎33.95 USD $‎29.95
1 +USD $‎33.95
1 – 99USD $‎29.95

Need matched power tubes? Don't worry! Price includes matching in any quantity you need for no extra charge. Need a matched pair? Just order "2" tubes. For a matched quad order "4" tubes. Matched sextets and octets are available as well.

From our review - "Blues guys will go crazy for the reissue Mullard EL84 vacuum tube. It has the least clean headroom and can be pushed into distortion with aggressive playing. When pushed into distortion the Mullard EL84 power tube has a softer, creamier overdrive that is more musical than other EL84 tubes and is the tube to pick if you want dirt."

The Mullard name and trademark have been acquired by the New Sensor Corporation. This new production Mullard EL84 tube is manufactured at their Xpo-Pul factory (also known as Reflektor) in Saratov, Russia. New Sensor is an American corporation and since taking ownership of this factory has been steadily improving the quality of current production tubes.

Note: These tubes have a slightly larger diameter than other EL84 tubes so they can not be installed into some '90's era Marshall DSL201 or DSL401 amplifiers, and reissue Vox AC15 amps, and Bad Cat amps.

Other Mullard tubesEL84 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

EL84 Tube Review

Tube Matching Information:
Power Tube Matching FAQ
Perfect Pair System

Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ratings & Reviews

22 reviews

mullard el 84


they're bigger than the original marshall el84's. have to modify carrier surround or housing in order to even install. hope they're worth it. why bigger?

Response from As stated in the product desciption above, yes, these tubes are made with a slightly wider diameter bottle. Why? We do not know.

Warm Dr Z Maz 18 NR


I purchased a matched pair of these Mullard EL84's for my Maz 18 NR. Instant warmth and creamy smooth break-up. Definite improvement (IMO) over the stock JJ's that were in it when purchased. Perfect match with my humbucker guitar

Rockin Orange!


So I purchased a matched pair of these for my Orange OR15 head as part of the recommended premium tube package here at the tube store and I absolutely love them. In most cases I think people think they hear a bigger difference with tube swaps when they really that much don't but in the case of this tiny orange, I heard a vast improvement in the creaminess of the overdrive and the taming of the harsher high register notes. These are more than a solid choice for that classic British rock flavor in my orange amps. I haven't tried these in any other amps but in my orange or15 they are there to stay! Highly recommended and the price is extremely on point for top notch quality!

Very Impressed


I have a pair of these in my Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18 and the amp really sounds amazing now. It came with Sovtek's in it and they sounded good, but replacing them with these was a solid improvement.

Total Sound Update


Put these in my Laney Lionheart L20H, Just opened the amp right up. Harmonically the highs and lows sounded excellent with much better definition and control, also spent time matching my amp with the right set of speakers.Great service, and shipping from the guys here at the Tube Store- Thank You !