Genalex - Gold Lion ECC83/B759 (Premium) Preamp Vacuum Tube

31 Reviews
SKU: GL-ECC83 (Premium)

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎59.95
A customer comment: "I ordered two Gold Lion ECC83/B759 vacuum tubes a few days ago and I put one of them in the first preamp stage of my Rivera combo. Fantastic! On clean or distortion, both are absolutely fantastic! It provides good definition, fast attack, extended high frequency response, and full harmonic content. They are the best ECC83 / 12AX7 preamp tube I've tried! And they are not overpriced rare NOS! - 10/10"

Also check out our review.

Original Genalex Gold Lion ECC83/B759/12AX7 tubes are considered among the best 12AX7 tube types ever made. They are hard to find and when they are available, they are expensive. They exhibit a large detailed soundstage that is sought after by discerning audiophiles who demand the highest quality sound. The reissue Genalex Gold Lion ECC83 / B759 / 12AX7 recreates the sound signature of the original. This tube features balanced sections and gold plated pins.

One other note about the construction of these tubes is they have filaments that are almost completely encased in the plate structure. They don't "light up" brightly when working properly.

Other Genalex - Gold Lion tubes       12AX7 Tube Types

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12AX7 Tube Review

Tube Matching Information:
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Genalex - Gold Lion ECC83 / B759 Datasheet (PDF)

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ignore the naysayers...


A great sounding tube...bought a pair for my Jolida 502p after an otherwise decent Psvane 12AT7-II died can't beat these for the money as they are every bit as musical, quiet, and well made as most NOS exotica, and gold pins stay cleaner in their sockets.

What I am hearing...


I bought a pair of the Gold Lion 12AX7 tubes to use in the preamp section of my Jolida 3502 integrated amp. I was using a pair of Philips 12AX7 tubes prior to the purchase of the Gold Lions. Based on all of the positive reviews I have read here, I took the plunge and bought a pair. After about 48 hours of burn in I decided to give these a critical listen. I was hoping that I was to discover some current production tubes that would give NOS tubes a run for their money. Alas, it was not to be. I found the Gold Lions (GL) tubes to be harsh, rather two dimensional, and not as involving as NOS tubes. Soundstaging has shrunk in width and depth, piano music sounds tinny and flat and my favorite female vocalists sound like they are singing with their sinuses clogged.

At this stage of my listening, I would have to warn others to save their money and get some NOS tubes if they value their hearing. BTW, I have owned tube gear for over 20 years and have been exposed to various brands of tube equipment as wells as dozens of brands of tubes so this is not a review from a neophyte. The point is that these tubes are not very good and certainly not worth what is being charged. These may be great in guitar amps as was previously mentioned, but not in a serious hi end piece of gear.

Genalex - Gold Lion ECC83/B759 (Premium)


Well worth the money. A big noticeable sound quality improvement.
I matched it with tung-sol el34b power tubes, and am sooo happy!!

1989 Charvel 475 special (left hand)
loads of FU-TONE goodies Marshall JMD102 (wgs green beret's)
voltage vb412 in orange (2 green beret's 1 veteran30, and 1 wm75)
many pedals etc...

MIM Fender HRD (Jensen C-12N Speaker & Carl's Custom Cabinet)


I want more of these tubes! The Gold Lion Premium sounds/feels ever-so-much-sweeter than a Preferred Series, Tungsol, Mullard, JJ (7025/12AX7/ECC83)...All of which were brand-new during comparison test. Currently have Tungsol 12AX7 in V2, Mullard CV4024 in V3, and Winged 'C' 6L6GCs Biased @ 68. Ordered three tubes on Monday, package arrived Thursday (from Canada, no less!). 'TheTubeStore' shipping is simply superb.

Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7


Used for maybe 6 months in my bass rig.....crapped out during gig....not worth the money,,,especially for 6 months