Reflector 6H23p-EB / 6922 (Premium) Preamp Vacuum Tube

28 Reviews
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USD $‎59.95
The NOS 6H23P-EB (Premium) preamp tube is a very noticeable upgrade over the Sovtek 6922 vacuum tube and Electro Harmonix 6922 preamp tube. They are incredibly durable and can handle the punishment of modern pre-amps, including those made by Audible Illusions. They excel in detail, speed, and soundstage. The highs have air and sound natural.

From Wall Of Sound: "The 6H23p-EB tube is refined, restrained and nuanced. Starting with the bass, the 6H23p-EB is slightly less forceful, but more controlled and articulate than the Tesla ECC88/JJ E88CC combination. The midrange is nicely detailed. Male and female vocals are more present and detailed as well. The twang of guitar strings in Knopfler’s Golden Heart is more apparent. This increased detail is not at the expense of treble smoothness : it’s nicely detailed, yet doesn’t seem to overemphasize the vocal sibilance of the McLachlan and McKennitt tracks. There is, on occasion, a very slight treble hardness, but this is a minor failing in light of all the things this tube does well. I have about 90 hours on these tubes and it would not surprise me if this would smooth out a bit more by the 200 hour mark. The price is reasonable for the performance offered, and certainly seems like a bargain compared to the high prices and questionable performance of some of other NOS tubes...I wasn’t expecting the 6H23p-EB to be this good."

This premium Russian built NOS 6922 tube replacement is also known by various Russian names, including 6N23n-EB, 6H23N-EB and 6N23. These are the hard to find NOS (new old stock) of premium quality in both sound and construction.

The 6922 / 6DJ8 tube type is equivalent to the European ECC88 / E88CC tube and can be used in any 6922, 6DJ8 or ECC88 circuit.

View 6H23 tube data sheet.

Other Russian tubes     6922 / 6DJ8 Tube Types

Additional Information and Downloads

Tube Matching Information:
Matched Sections Service

6H23n-EB / 6922 Datasheet (PDF)

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Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ratings & Reviews

28 reviews

Reflector 6H23P-EB / 6922 | Awesome tubes and customer service

by -

I bought four of these Reflector 6H23P-EB Premium tubes for two Lyr headphone amplifiers on two separate occasions. I am most pleased with the sonic results. One of the tubes was noisy and after a multitude of my totally confusing e-mails, The Tube Store called me on the telephone and told me they were sending two new (NOS) Reflector tubes to me! Customer service cannot get any better than this! I received the new tubes the very next day. Amazing.

Reflector 6H23P-EB / 6922 | Grabbed these for my Schiit stack (Gungnir MB and Mjolnir 2)


After a lot of searching for some affordable and great sounding tubes and reputable sellers. I finally came across these wonderful 6H23 tubes. Vocals sound a lot clearer than the standard tubes that came with my Mjolnir 2 amp and instruments sound much more lively.

My setup goes like this: Fiio x7II DAP (Through digital coax)>GungnirMB>Mjolnir 2>Beyerdynamic DT 1770 Pro

Tempted to buy another matched pair of these just to have a backup.

Not that good


I purchased these Reflector tubes to do some rolling over the ElectroHarmonix Gold on a Lite LS69 Balanced Preamp.
They resulted a lot less detailed than the EHG.
It appeared like my Loudspeakers (Apogee Centaurus Ribbon Speakers) had a pillow attached to the front.
I switched back to the EHG and everything worked wonderful again.
I am going to return these tubes and test the Gold Lion or the Jan Philips.
That is the great advantage to buy from Jon, you can return tubes that doesn't perform as you expected and try some other that might do.

Reflector 6H23p-EB / 6922 (Premium


I bought a pair of these for my Parks Audio Budgie preamp. The Budgie came with stock Electro Harmonix 6922's, and the sound was very good. When I installed a pair of the Reflector premiums, the difference was very noticeable. Better bass, more detail, warmer tones, luscious midrange and a big soundstage. Seems like a very good match for my Grado Sonata cartridge and the Budgie preamp. I install the Electro Harmonix tubes once in a while, but don't use them very long. They can't keep up to the Reflector's. Just an excellent tube at this price!

NOS 6H23P-EB (Premium) Preamp Tube


These very robust triodes sound absolutely wonderful in my Sonic Frontiers Preamp. My last set likely lasted at least 10,000 hours maybe more. Jon provides excellent service and support. I recommended them highly.