Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)
The Tung-sol 6L6GC-STR tube is a true 6L6GC vacuum tube that is rated for plate voltage up to 500V and up to 30 watts of power. The Tungsol 6L6GC-STR is a good choice for any new or vintage guitar amp.
Be sure to check out our review of the Tungsol 6L6GC-STR power tube.
The Tung-Sol name and trademark have been acquired by the New Sensor Corporation. This new production Tungsol tube is manufactured at their Xpo-Pul factory (also known as Reflektor) in Saratov, Russia. New Sensor is an American corporation and since taking ownership of this factory has been steadily improving the quality of current production tubes.
Other Tung-Sol tubes 6L6 Tube Types
Additional Information and Downloads
6L6 Tube Review
Tube Matching Information:
Power Tube Matching FAQ
Perfect Pair System
Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR Datasheet (PDF)
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Warranty Information and Return Policy
Warranty Period: 3 monthsAll our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)
If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:
- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.
Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.
These guidelines may be updated without notice.
Ratings & Reviews
10 reviews
Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR | New Favorite 6L6
by Mark F -
As of this posting, this is my favorite 6L6GC. I haven't tried dozens of new production and NOS, to be fair. I've tried different stock Sovteks in my Peavey and Mesa/Boogie amps, TAD WGC (Shuguang) short bottle, JJ, Svetlana (new production), and maybe a couple others..These are the most balanced out of of those to my ears. I previously had the Svetlana and JJ in my Mesa 50/50 power amp. It's nice have 2 channels with slightly different voicing, but I used the warmer sounding Svetlana far more often. For a brighter alternative I prefer this Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR to the JJ. It has bigger lows than the other two, more mids than JJ but less than Svetlana, and is between those two in the highs. Very articulate and crisp without being too scooped in the mids or lean in the bass, like I felt the JJ was for my application. This one has just enough of everything, great clarity while being full bodied. Haydn compared and described it perfectly in helping me decide!
No Surprises
by Ron
I'm writing this for any harp players out there. The sound I'm looking for is going to be different than a guitarist and that reflects in the type of amps and the tubes that complement them. I've had these Tung-Sols for a while and just decided now to swap out the Sovteks and give them a go. I had absolutely no problem with the Sovteks. So this amp is a Chicago 32-20 made by Mission. Built specifically for harp. I like deep bass but not muddy and clear mids and highs with early breakup when pushed. The Tung-Sols checked all the boxes. Are they worth the extra coin? The jury is still out on that. I would definitely recommend them to any harp player looking to replace or swap out their 6L6's
A beauty for audio gear!
by Bob J.
This review is for people not using this tube in a guitar amp but looking to use it in audio(phile) equipment. I love this tube! I am using it in a pair of Quicksilver Mid Mono amps and I am amazed at the quality of the sound I am getting. I hear a clear tone with punch in the bass, nothing soft or flabby. The midrange is clean, rich, and very realistic sounding, with a "3D" presence. Though it sounds like a cliche` I am experiencing from familiar recordings things I have not heard before. All in all, this tube gives the listener a "warm" tube sound that sounds sweet like live music can, but without sacrificing detail, it has punch in the lower register, and the highs are loveable, inviting, not hard or "scratchy". If you have old Mac gear that needs a 6L6 tube I would look no further. This re-issue is a home run!
Very good tube
by Jason
I ordered a quad for my Fender Twin 135 watt. They were matched well by the tubestore. Construction seems sturdy and professional. They allowed my amp to come to life. They have clean, detailed, rich harmonics and a low noise floor. Its a very balanced sound. Fun to play through. They sounded great at the Fender factory bias setting. My Twin was set up to run them at 48% plate dissipation. I ended up biasing them to 55%. That setting is a happy medium that works nicely for clean guitar playing as well as the more rocking stuff. Just a touch of subtly compressed warmth there if you want it. Heavy Les Paul tunes sound quite spectacular with higher bias settings. I haven't tried the SEDs or the 7581As but I would certainly recommend these tubes for the price.
BEST 6L6GC on the Market
by James McCutcheon
I tried at least 10 types of Power Tubes in my Collection of 1960's Silvertone Ampliers sold by Sears and Roebuck company. the 1484 and 1483 and 1485. Once I put a part of these in the 1483 known as a bass amp, * it is Not" it got quiet no noise in the circuit. then TONE it sounded better that any tube I have tried. Everything has been said that is good. I WILL SAY the TUBE STORE sells great product, and no Junk goes to the customer. THANKS!