Natural Sound 6CA7-T Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)

4 Reviews

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

USD $‎59.95

Need matched power tubes? Don't worry! Price includes matching in any quantity you need for no extra charge. Need a matched pair? Just order "2" tubes. For a matched quad order "4" tubes. Matched sextets and octets are available as well.

Just like the Shuguang Treasure 6CA7Z vacuum tube, the Natural Sound 6CA7-T power tube has gold grid wires and pins, and internally coated black glass bottle. This unique HPCC coating is known as High Polymer Carbon Compound glass coating and is unique for its ability to reduce stray electron emission that can otherwise reflect off the glass.

Shuguang also uses their new "Super Alloy" technology. Originally applied to aviation, aerospace, and military applications, this technology has been successfully used by Shuguang to accomplish directional solidification and single crystallization. This greatly improves the ability of electron emission and electron current stability.

The Shuguang Natural Sound tubes require additional parts selection (Including thoriated tungsten filament imported from Japan), high-density carbon anode metal from Germany, high-purity high-density graphite, and gold plated pins). Manufacturing quality control processes, improved vacuum techniques and additional burn-in time and testing.

The 6CA7 tube is compatible with any EL34 tube amplifier.

These Shuguang Natural Sound tubes are their premium export grade and purchased direct from Shuguang in China. Beware of sellers selling for drastically lower prices on Amazon, eBay, etc as they will not be the same export grade tubes.

Other Shuguang tubes       EL34 Tube Types

Warranty Information and Return Policy

Warranty Period: 3 months

All our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)

If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:

- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.

Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.

These guidelines may be updated without notice.

Ratings & Reviews

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Natural Sound 6CA7-T | Pleasantly Surprised

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Recently purchased a quad of SH-6CA7-T vacuum tubes for my Black Ice Fusion F22 and I know it's early days, but I have been very impressed, very clean sound. Obviously, they can only get better with more time. Perhaps a follow up in a few months. Either way, very pleased!

Natural Sound 6CA7-T | 6CA7-T


These are the best 6CA7 tubes I have tried in my Yaqin EL34.
Dead quiet, no hum. Very pleased.
Does anyone have suggestions for preamp tube rolling for this amp?


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Very impressed with these. Sure are better then the JJ tubes I had in my amp.

**** Shuguang "Natural Sound 6AC7-T" Tubes are AWESOME ****


After spending WAY TOO MUCH $$$ on rolling tubes, I stumbled across these awesome Shuguang "Natural Sound 6AC7-T" Tubes (Quad Set).
I use a Yaqin-MCs AMP, driving a pair of Klipsch Cornwall Speakers.
These tubes can drive the Bass on the 15" Woofers better than any other tube I have found, including the Original Blue-Bottle Yaqin Tubes.
I will purchase another set if they ever become available again, And would highly recommend them to anyone looking for an EL84/6AC7/K77 Tube.