JJ 5751 Preamp Vacuum Tube
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Warranty Period: 3 monthsAll our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)
If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:
- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.
Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.
These guidelines may be updated without notice.
Ratings & Reviews
10 reviews
Immediate improvement for Fender BDRI
by Scott
Put these in my Blues Deluxe for V1&V3. They made an immediate improvement in the sound. Bass end has a lot more clarity and the volume knob is much more responsive and doesn't top out at 4.
Great Choice for P1
by LT Green
I have a Bugera 333XL head which sounded great in the Orange and Red channel, but the Green was not clean. I replaced PI (12AX7) with the JJ 5751. The clarity was vastly improved with no dramatic loss of volume, such as when using a 12AT7 or 12AU7. This minor change regained my support of this amp, coupled with new found appreciation for the 5751.
JJ 5751 instead of 12 AX7 in Rogue Atlas
by Jules
I am tube rolling in my Rogue Atlas magnum power amp for audio applications. Lower gain tubes have allowed the amplifier to yield more detail in the music. To date, this JJ 5751 is my preferred tube instead of a variety of 12AX7. I use in conjunction with an EH 12AU7 Gold that drive KT 120 tubes.
King Dave tames Mini Goliath.
by Aaron Russell
My friend and producer bought me a Carvin V3M guitar amp. Who was I to argue? Only thing, I needed a smooth, warm, 70's classic rock, mid-gain tone and I got a jackhammer and chainsaw Boogie Dual Recto tone instead. I had to make do. With info from this website I completely re-tubed the little tazmanian devil.
I needed to cut down the gain and brightness a LOT and began by using a JJ 5751 at the front end. I thought about using a 12AT7 but that would have been too clean and edgy for me (I think that's what the old HiWatts had). Then, I substituted a JJ ECC803S in place of the stock "China 12AX7" overdrive tube to cool and darken the tone further, warm things up, smooth things out, add harmonic overtones and just improve everything overall.
I ran into a challenge at V3 and V4 due to the amp's unusual non-sequential tube arrangement. I needed a pair of tubes that were hotter than the 5751 but cooler than the high-gain ECC803S. Fortunately, Mr. Templeton had me covered. It took a shoe horn but the JAN-Phillips 5751's rounded out the preamp with some additional harmonic complexity, as promised. Finally, I concluded the re-tubing with a set of JJ EL84's.
I aspire to melodic free-form soloists like Steve Howe but with a "fusion-y" tone like Santana or Larry Carlton. I'm also an electronic musician so the V3M had to integrate with a fairly involved rig with a lot of pedals, multi-fx and a guitar synthesizer. For this application, more = better when it comes to harmonic swirl.
Anyway, it was goodbye sterile, harsh spikiness and hello creamy culinary adjectives.
Does what is supposed to
by Dave
I quieted the preamp on my 1993 reissue Sunn T50C with six of these and two Electro Harmonix 12AY7 tubes. The amp is now more articulate and defined. It is also no longer an annoying feedback, squealing machine.