NOS Tesla EF86 Preamp Vacuum Tube
The NOS Tesla EF86 vacuum tube was made in Czechoslovakia. The Tesla EF86 is a durable tube with very low noise floor.
A lot of our stock was received in bulk packs so we have packaged these Tesla EF86 tubes in our own white boxes.
Logos may vary from tube pictured. Some have yellow paint and others with white paint, but construction is the same.
EF86 Tube Types
Additional Information and Downloads
What does "NOS" mean, anyway?:
Commonly known as "NOS," the term New Old Stock simply refers to tubes that were made years ago but have never been used. Much like antiques, "NOS" tubes are currently not being manufactured and this means their supply is dwindling while the price continues to rise.
For most NOS tubes we have a variety of brands available. Typically these are the common brands such as RCA, Sylvania, GE, Raytheon, etc. However, there are instances where lesser known brands are in stock. If you have a particular brand you prefer you can simply request it in the Order Comment box when you place your order.
Warranty Information and Return Policy
Warranty Period: 3 monthsAll our tubes are guaranteed for 3 months from the date of purchase. (Any exceptions will be noted on that tube's Warranty tab)
If you receive a tube that does not perform to the manufacturer's specifications, please do the following:
- contact us to get a return authorization
- return it via regular mail within 90 days from when we shipped it, and we will provide an exchange or refund of the full purchase price of the tube.
Returns not related to warranty or defect will be considered at our discretion, and are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We can not accept returns that don't have an authorization, are past 3 month, or are returned improperly.
These guidelines may be updated without notice.
Ratings & Reviews
3 reviews
Electro Harmonix EF86
by Marcello
I use the Electro Harmonix EF86 tubes in guitars preamp and I can say that works perfectly, but I have to search for the good one, unfortunately not all the Electro Harmonix has the same gain. I will try the TESLA.
Sounds Great!
by Ken W.
Originally I had an Electro Harmonix EF86 and my amp sounded very shrill and glaring, so I purchased this Tesla tube and it actually sounded a little better, I soon realized my amp needed to be rebuilt. I bought it already built from a young man off craigslist as a Ceriatone Creme Brulee with mediocre parts. Don't get me wrong, it sounded okay with a gibson vintage 57 pickups but anything else sounded lifeless. After upgrading my Ceriatone Creme Brulee with the proper value cathode bypass resistor [2K2 Not 4k7]. Replacing all resistors with carbon comps, changing phase inverter caps from .022 to .047 sprague orange drops, and upgrading the grid capacitor .1uf , and other two .01uf caps with metalized polyprop caps. This tube rocks my amp like better than any amp I Ever Had. I have ever only used this tube since the rebuild so I'm quite biased about my opinion but it's valid this tube sounds great great great. I'm getting ready to try a Winged 'C' but only because I'm a tinkerer.
the winged 'c' compared to my Tesla EF86
by Ken W.
UPDATE: I bought the winged 'c' and tried it out, its a lower gain tube.. My tesla drives my amp harder and nicer but doesn't necessarily mean the winged 'c' is a bad tube. Its very clear sounding and I hear all the frequencies.