Monoprice 50 Watt Stereo Hybrid Tube Amp - Upgrade Package
We’ve been supplying tubes for over 20 years. Use our extensive knowledge, experience and customer feedback to select re-tube packages that will work great in your tube amp.
Additional Information and Downloads
Upgrade Package - Click for more information.Bias Type:Cathode Bias (Self Adjusting)
Downloads:Monoprice 50 Watt Stereo Hybrid Tube Amplifier - 16153 Manual
Warranty Information and Return Policy
Warranty may vary for tubes in this package. See included tubes webpages for specific warranty details.
Ratings & Reviews
5 reviews
pyle pvta80
by RAP -
Everything everyone else has said so far applies to me as well, but I used this set to upgrade the pyle pvta80.
Spatially Bigger, Audibly Warmer
by Jonathan M. -
This amp before sounded, in comparison, to an NYNEX operator, it was narrow, shallow, and overly bright, pinched. Although, it was better than its little brother the 25W Hybrid. These new tubes, however, are game-changers. The sound is bigger and warmer. It's spatially wide open and there's separation between the instruments. It's now far cheaper competition, in cost and quality, to Avery Fisher's 500.
Even better than the original tubes.
by David League -
The original tubes work well, but the new tube package gives more detail. The soundstage is very wide, and I noticed something I wasn't expecting, and that's the artificial electronic additives so many recordings have (Adel, Sia, etc.). The separation is absolute, and individual instruments amazes me. Yes, I recommend rolling the tubes to the upgrade.
Rolling tube give cleaner response.
by David L. -
I also bought the tube set for my new hybrid amp from Monoprice. First let me say the standard tubes were very good. I rolled the new tube keeping the old tubes in the tubestore boxes. At first I could not sense any real difference, but after a week of burning in the new tubes (I always wait until the tubes have 20 hours of use) I could definitely sense a cleaner response. I highly recommend the tube set.
Incredible upgrade.
by Jeff Hennie -
great kit. I just popped these in and they sound amazing. Huge improvement. Its like I have a whole new amp. Incredible upgrade. Warmer, fuller, deeper, a 100% improvement!